
Well this sucks. Despite trying to get in training and run the Marine Corps Marathon, it’s not going to happen this year. With moving, oral surgery, and lots of other events...

We’ve officially entered the start of marathon training season. The countdown is on for my personal Everest, the Marine Corps Marathon. That means training becomes the number one priority and I...

First let me say sorry for being so MIA this month. But I have a good reason!!! My hubby and I are buying a house! Yes we will be homeowners next...

When I found out that Jeff Galloway would be doing a free seminar at the Navy Memorial. I jumped at the chance to go. I mean really, how could I not?...

As spring race season approaches, I like to take inventory of what I have and what I may need to stock up on. Everyone has their race day rituals, superstitions, and...

This past weekend I enjoyed some time with my fav ladies while my hubby went out-of-town for a boys weekend. On Friday, I swung by Pacers in Old Town to pick up...

Training has been rough and by rough I mean slow and by slow I mean…. Well you get my point. After the RnR USA last month my knee has been acting...

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing. A day that is forever marked by the heinous atrocity that took place. As a community runners are strong, supportive...

So I’m addicted. To Peeps. No really. I ate them for breakfast yesterday. This is not the food of champions people. However, they are absolutely delicious, there is no denying that....

It’s Friday so let’s chat! This week has been insane! I’m actually glad it’s over and tonight I catch a flight to MIAMI! So let’s jump right in! 1. Tomorrow my...