
It’s happening. No it’s really happening. The last 3 weeks of training have been exhausting but successful. I have managed to get all but one long run completed. This weekend I’m...

My last 2 weeks have been spent in Florida, in that tropical sun, heat, and humidity. My first week was spent in Orlando for a business trip. I goaled myself to...

Everything that I have read regarding training stresses the importance of the weekend long run. I understand that and do not question the methodology. So no matter what I do each...

Hello All! So it begins! Last week marked the start of my 19 week training program for the Marine Corps Marathon. 19 weeks is a long time, you say? Yes, I...

Who’s ready to get crazy with a 2 week recap? 2 weeks ago I planted a garden. Yes that’s right. Early this May, I decided to finally plant that herb garden...

Another week in the books! I write this as I enjoy my rest day and a nice glass of white wine (it’s deserved). Some weeks are smoother than others. This week...

For the last 8 weeks, I have been taking barre classes. I’d heard amazing things about them so my interest had been piqued. I was told barre classes were challenging, a...

Last week was a success training wise. I’m still learning to listen to my body and still push myself, so training is a work in progress, but I’m very happy with...

Cold weather can be a huge deterrent for me to exercise outside. When I say cold I am referring to snowy, icey or general wet conditions when combined with cold weather....

After the pain I experienced in my knee during Disney, I knew it was time to finally go to a doctor. I am not a stranger to orthopedists. Roughly 10 years...